Sunday, January 8, 2012

Back to 'The Market' I go.....

   I am SO happy to FINALLY be spending time on my labor of love...The Spanish Market painting!!
Just when I think I am closer to being done, I spy a spot that needs more attention...seems to be never ending yet I trust my inner instinct that allows the painting to tell me when it's done... 
That however has not happened yet so onward I plod! :)

So let me fill you in on what I am currently doing and have done, so far, with this painting.
Firstly, it is based off a photograph I took of this particular market while in Spain. 
My base painting(under-painting) was loosely done first. I didn't worry too much about the details being too tight at that point because I knew the details come together in the end...which is basically where I am at now.
One of my artist 'friends' on Facebook summed up that process rather simply: "Start with a broom and finish with a toothpick". This is essentially the process. You rough it in at first and ratchet up on the details as you go along.
   I started this with basic acrylic brushwork for the structure. Acrylics dry fast and are easy to work with. If you make a mistake, you can easily paint over it. Some people hate them and find oils easier but I have a lot of experience with acrylics so their nature is predictable to me. 
My plan was to add oil glazes atop the acrylics at the end. Oils and acrylics are compatible in this order. Dry acrylics as an under-painting with oils layered on top but never the other way around. I am tightening and glazing with oils currently.
My glazing mixture isn't set in stone yet since I am really just starting to get my feet wet with oils so this is all essentially an exercise in technique, discipline and mediums. So far I have used OMS (odorless mineral spirits), stand oil(boiled non yellowing linseed) and Liquin. I think I like a 1:1 mixture of OMS/stand oil a bit better but again, still experimenting and gathering information from friends.
    One painter friend(realism portrait painter) just uses a mixture of turpenoids and linseed. A good friend just uses Liquin,  another uses OMS/linseed and yet another friend (hyper-realist painter) uses a mixture of Dammar, turps and linseed. The latter mixture I am quite curious of so will be doing some experimenting with that one in the future. It's all so exciting to me because I love playing with paint and finding what suits me best.
So for now, I am set on finishing this painting in this manner. Glazes of OMS/linseed and Liquin.

I am certainly LOVING my studio! It's like my own little private island that I go to. Its a relief from the craziness of life, in other words, it's a joyful respite. Right now it's a bit of a mess (semi organized chaos is a better description) but that's okay...I'm the only one that sees it for the most part.                                                    I am also playing with a fun project...hardback book binding. I am in the prototype stages of a certain something that will hold a certain something.... My intent is to make something that's fun, easy-ish to make and profitable to sell on Etsy/Ebay...time to generate some extra moola!  So in essence, this is one of those, time/quality vs money issues.... Will have to make the prototype then run the numbers and see if I can sell a couple as a test then we'll review where we are at. Won't go gung ho on this because need to have time to paint...My GOAL is to eventually quit nursing at some point, replace that income with something enjoyable I can do in small runs from the studio and STILL have time to paint.

I have the space, I just need to find the right profitable artsy product to produce there. Therein lies the rub. Time will tell. I have a head full of ideas, just limited time to create them all in so at some point, a transition will have to occur....its just not that time yet.                                              I suppose if I came up with a REALLY good idea, I would need to get a patent, an investor and head to the merchandise mart show in Chicago with an 'if you build it, they will come attitude'...I dunno...that might be larger and more involved than I would want. More revenue means more hands held out and more headaches... I only need enough for myself to get by on. I am not high maintenance.
 I have a good friend who is a self employed artist. He has been one since the age of 19 and it's his opinions that I have sought when I have questions about business.
His real life isn't as glamorous as people assume. While on the outside it appears like it would be awesome, fun and enviable... I personally know what he has to go through to stay where he is. That's the illusion...people always assume once you get on top of your game, it's smooth sailing...that's really NOT the case at all. In order to STAY there, you have to run faster than the guy next to you or you have to do something so incredibly superior, that no one can come close to you. With all that comes the people who want to use your back to walk on or people who seek fame by association. Falsies. You have to be able to 'sift' people out.
This all takes tireless work, hardship, dedication, sacrifice...very few people have what it takes to be that person.... is my day to have fun so I think I will finally paint some of the bookshelves I put up in my home office. Might bake a loaf or two of wheat bread, work out a bit and relax....

Have a great week!!


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