So yesterday, I was browsing at the work of realist painters...I admit, I don't know 'who's who' in the art world and my world is pretty small but I am broadening my awareness fairly quickly by looking at the works of people whom inspire me and the works os painter who inspire those I admire.
This particular painter, Serge Marshennikov, has completely blown me away with his oil paintings....speechless and dumbfounded are words that could best describe my reaction when I looked at some of his paintings online. The beauty of the subjects he paints is just amazing. His detail and subtly are just incredible! I do have one painter friend from Moscow whom is another realist painter and extremely talented however he is not as talented in color works but this Serge goodness!!
If your curious, just have a peek...he has a Facebook page that show alot of his work and here is one gallery link
Just have a gander and prepare to be astounded by the beauty of his work. This type of work inspires me to say the least. It is this level of detail I strive to achieve.... one day though because I am not there yet and it will be several more years before I reach this level but I will. Thats my goal! :)
This week has been pretty uneventful. The boots are nearing completion but I didn't take an update photograph. I will do so later this week. It was nice painting this week without interruptions. That allows me to paint at a leisurely pace and that's always most enjoyable.
I keep staring at my Spanish Market painting and I am itching to get back on that baby!!! I can't wait to break out the oils again once I am finished with The Boots.
I am busily planning the for the visit of my friends David, Silvia and little Rita Naylor. I have not seen them for two years. They are traveling from Barcelona to visit the States for 3 weeks. they will spend their first week in San Francisco, their second week will be visiting me and last week they head to NYC.
I plan to show them the easy pace of Northern Indiana. We'll hit Chicago for a day or two and then visit sites around here at home.
I hope that David and I will have some time to paint together at least one day so I need to get my airbrushes hyper-tuned so we can paint details!! I know all my airbrush friends know of Davids works but for those of you whom have yet to see what David does with paint, take a look at his website:
It is a pleasure to have such a wonderful artist as a friend but it is and even bigger gift to call he and Silvia 'family'. I can't wait to go back to Barcelona next year and visit again to enjoy the family time in addition to the art, architecture, paella and I certainly can't forget JAMON!!
Well, time to hit the bike trail and go for a nice ride with my husband on this beautiful fall day!
I hope everyone has a lovely day!
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